Thursday, August 08, 2024

Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 1 #Regeneration #Prevention #Novo_Hydroxyapatite #Integration in Your Dental Practice!

Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 1 CURODONT™ Apr 14, 2020 Dr Wenger explains Guided Enamel Remineralization/Regeneration. Curodont Repair - the product needed for Guided Enamel Remineralization is a drill-free (non-invasive) treatment for early caries. The Link to the Quiz is at the end of the webinar. Send your answers to obtain Certificate of Attendence and apply for CE credits. ( Don't miss the other parts of this webinar series: Part 1: Guided Enamel Regeneration/Remineralization: • Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 1 Part 2: Innovation and Science: • Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 2 Part 3: Clinical Evidence: • Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 3 Part 4: How to integrate Curodont Repair into my practice: • Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 4 Part 4b: How to integrate Curodont Repair into my practice: - Focus on aerosol-free treatment for post-covid restrictions • Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part... Literature References from the Webinar can be seen on Curodont Repair can be purchased by dental professionals from Credentis directly or via our sales partners. ........................ Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 2 CURODONT™ Apr 14, 2020 Dominik Lysek, PhD and Founder goes through the development and the science behind Curodont Repair - a novel drill-free (non-invasive) treatment for early caries. The Link to the Quiz is at the end of the webinar. Send your answers to obtain Certificate of Attendence and apply for CE credits. ( Don't miss the other parts of this webinar series: Part 1: Guided Enamel Regeneration/Remineralization: • Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 1 Part 2: Innovation and Science: • Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 2 Part 3: Clinical Evidence: • Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 3 Part 4: How to integrate Curodont Repair into my practice: • Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 4 Part 4b: How to integrate Curodont Repair into my practice: - Focus on aerosol-free treatment for post-covid restrictions • Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part... Literature References from the Webinar can be seen on Curodont Repair can be purchased by dental professionals from Credentis directly or via our sales partners. ................................... Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 3 CURODONT™ Apr 14, 2020 Dr Wenger goes through the clinical evidence for the treatment of early caries with Curodont Repair. Curodont Repair is a novel drill-free (non-invasive) treatment for initial caries lesions. The Link to the Quiz is at the end of the webinar. Send your answers to obtain Certificate of Attendence and apply for CE credits. ( Don't miss the other parts of this webinar series: Part 1: Guided Enamel Regeneration/Remineralization: • Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 1 Part 2: Innovation and Science: • Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 2 Part 3: Clinical Evidence: • Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 3 Part 4: How to integrate Curodont Repair into my practice: • Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 4 Part 4b: How to integrate Curodont Repair into my practice: - Focus on aerosol-free treatment for post-covid restrictions • Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part... Literature References from the Webinar can be seen on Curodont Repair can be purchased by dental professionals from Credentis directly or via our sales partners. ............................. • Intregration in your practice Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 4 CURODONT™ Apr 14, 2020 Dr Wenger explains how to integrate Curodont Repair into your practice. Curodont Repair is a drill-free (non-invasive) treatment for early caries. The Link to the Quiz is at the end of the webinar. Send your answers to obtain Certificate of Attendence and apply for CE credits. ( Don't miss the other parts of this webinar series: Part 1: Guided Enamel Regeneration/Remineralization: • Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 1 Part 2: Innovation and Science: • Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 2 Part 3: Clinical Evidence: • Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 3 Part 4: How to integrate Curodont Repair into my practice: • Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part 4 Part 4b: How to integrate Curodont Repair into my practice: - Focus on aerosol-free treatment for post-covid restrictions • Curodont Repair Webinar Series - Part... Literature References from the Webinar can be seen on Curodont Repair can be purchased by dental professionals from Credentis directly or via our sales partners. ................................................................................ Certification is enabled via:

Sunday, July 28, 2024

CHT Chromatography Media: 5 Essential Facts Bio-Rad Laboratories 1,926 views Aug 8, 2019 Dr. Mark Snyder, R&D Applications Manager, Process Chromatography, Bio-Rad Laboratories Ceramic Hydroxyapatite XT, is a calcium affinity cation exchange chromatography media. It is used for the purification of numerous types of biomolecules and provides single-step clearance of impurities and aggregates for monoclonal antibody purification. CHT XT is an easy-to-use mixed-mode chromatography media. Unlike other chromatography media it is both the ligand and the support matrix. In this webinar our expert, Dr. Mark Snyder, will discuss the application use of CHT XT at process-scale and provide guidelines on where to start when selecting a hydroxyapatite media for your purification. Request a sample of CHT XT at Mission: To provide useful, high-quality products and services that advance scientific discovery and improve healthcare. At Bio-Rad, we are united behind this effort. These two objectives are the driving force behind every decision we make, from developing innovative ideas to building global solutions that help solve our customers' greatest challenges. CHT™ Ceramic Hydroxyapatite Resin for Commercial Purification Bio-Rad Laboratories 72.6K subscribers Subscribed 37 Share Download 13,234 views Aug 16, 2012 For more information, visit . Bio-Rad's CHT Resins are innovative mixed-mode media that offer unique separation properties and unparalleled selectivity and resolution for a variety of molecules. CHT Ceramic Hydroxyapatite Resins are among the leading media for biomolecule purification. The spherical ceramic form of these crystalline hydroxyapatite media allow them to be used in production-scale columns at high flow rates while maintaining their unique separation properties. These media can be used at any stage in a process from initial capture to final polishing. Two types of CHT Resins are available in three particle sizes (20, 40, and 80 µm): • Type I has a higher protein binding capacity and better capacity for acidic proteins • Type II has a lower protein binding capacity but offers better resolution of nucleic acids and certain proteins; it also has a very low affinity for albumin and is particularly well-suited for the purification of many species and classes of immunoglobulins. We Are Bio-Rad. Our mission: To provide useful, high-quality products and services that advance scientific discovery and improve healthcare. At Bio-Rad, we are united behind this effort. These two objectives are the driving force behind every decision we make, from developing innovative ideas to building global solutions that help solve our customers' greatest challenges. Connect with Bio-Rad Online: Website: #WIPO @NegarRiahi Change Maker 2024 ................................................................................................... Bio-Rad Laboratories is the pioneer in all innovative solutions we can immagine in the world. I have today been able to write to them via this event about my innovation related to Dentistry and Medicine to connect dirarienumbers created in Sweden. Now we need more education in upcoming events to connect the entire World via @WIPO to create Sustainable Development via Regenerative Era to support Humanity at cellular level. If everyone will save the World, they should update via rules and give access to pure inert regenerative materials via clinical treatments there New Era will have demand on Best Solutions to save Time & Money when people get healthy at once with real education to eliminate pollution & purify all cavities via reconstructions made with ceramic era. @NegarRiahi BSc Dental Inert Regenerative Materials Technician 1997

Saturday, June 01, 2024 & SCDI: We enhance digital capabilities through excellent research.

World IP Day Change Makers’ Gallery Negar Riahi By registrering an Innovation via, @NegarRiahi developed new Era in Medicine by [Remediation Therapy Program Concept 2017 #NegarTime] sent to to present new regeneraive materials to dental bransch. The process University of Gothenburg/Sahlgrenska Academy needed to create jobs to establish New Era in medicine is this. European Commission and EMA has got information about this act and ECHA. #Litarex is supported to be the only regenerative treatment: 710/2024 TLV project. The products that are going to be avaialble via TLV for the first time are regenerative hydroxyapatite products. One of the products never used in Dentistry is Ceramic Hydroxyapatite Resin Type I and II created 11 years ago via Bio-Rad Laboratories who never knew that this product should be used as cement in Dental Offices to cure all diagnoses and create long lasting constructions that helps patiens and the environment to keep safe and secure and stip pollution of the environment by creating global health. It is impossible by toxic cements existing and not long lasting cementation achive the same quality of cementation. The other product is from DentalTown and should not be named here. They have already been registering their product and innovation in Arizona (NOVO-Hydroxyapatite). The inspirations GU and SA plus SU has got from the platforms and activities has also created many new jobs in the same direction to have a sustainable future via the university. Also Dentists via Folktandvården have been contacted and they are connecting to sustainable future via the University and the e-mail from was supported to apply to FORTE and Hjärtfonden cancerfonden etc by Purifying the treatments and avoid illegal materials in EU. Medical Devices and Medicine that was not available before in Sweden are on their way. ......................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... WIPO leads the development of a balanced and effective global intellectual property ecosystem to promote innovation and creativity for a better and more sustainable future.
Negar Riahi Sweden Creative industries (e.g. film, literature, etc.) Entrepreneur
.......................... From Homepage I have connected my resaerch and innovation to: ABOUT SCDI Swedish Center for Digital Innovation (SCDI) is a research center consisting of scholars from the University of Gothenburg, Umeå University and Stockholm School of Economics. SCDI’s vision is to be internationally recognized in the field of digital innovation. It offers a unique context for orchestrating close collaboration between researchers, students, and practitioners to help address challenges in practice and advance new theory. Academic excellence, educational engagement, and societal impact are at the heart of its mission. The center was founded by Professor Jonny Holmström (Umeå University) and Professor Rikard Lindgren (University of Gothenburg) following a donation from Carl Bennet AB. Read our Vision & Mission and our publications strategy.

Monday, April 01, 2024

#NegarTime Innovation: TechConnect 2017 kring välfärd. Tvärvetenskapligt!

INNOVATION Negar Time @NegarRiahi Jag har inget med ALMI att göra! Detta är pga av att mina insatser är tvärvetenskapligt viktiga & är inte utnyttjande av information för egen missbruk av fakta & innovationer som ska rätta till alla detaljer & är Regenerativa samt regler som ska implementeras med stöd av ⚖️🧠🦷🇺🇸 Remediation Therapy Program TechConnect 2017 Problematiken: 1. Medicinen som har funktion existerar inte: I Sverige har det raderats en funktionsmedicin som heter Litarex från 1998. denna medicin behövs för alla diagoser. Istället för toxiska medicinen Lithionit som innehåller sulfat, med märkbara konsekvenser ska det tillåtas en väletablerad evidensbaserad medicin som har tidigare existerat i Sverige. Samtliga Nordiska länder har tillgång till enbart Litarex utan att bli försökskanin med stöd av biverkningar som har gjort alla illa i led av svåra diagnoser som ingen borde ha upplevt. 2. Medicinteknik ska innehålla naturliga regenerativa ingredienser som är inerta. Dessvärre existerar enbart gamla avtal och toxiska Biomaterial som vanligt förekommande, vilka ska via regelverk elimineras under ett år genom European Commission. ............................................................................................................................................. Introduktion Sanering av toxiska material som kräver noggrann analys med stöd av salivprov, blodprov och urinprov kan vägleda tandvården att med dagens moderna utrustningar som rekommenderas via IAOMT kunna sanera bort skadliga ämnen som igenkänns via ett nytt tankesätt även med stöd av Artificiell Intelligens. Det förekommer ett flertal olika material i marknaden som bör förbjudas i led av av toxiska egenskaper som European Commission och EMA samarbetar kring att avveckla snarast. Det som kvarstår är att få tag i ett naturligt material som kan ersättas istället. För det mesta är det hydroxyapatit som är naturlig tandemalj som är numera igenkänd via innovationer som iakttagits. ........................................................................................................................................... Innovationen Fyllningsmaterial som tandvården hittills använt för cement har inte varit själva hydroxyapatite som är ett ämne accepterad av NASA med naturliga egenskaper som är registrerade och ger stöd till att återuppliva patienter som behöver ersätta toxiska ämnen med stöd av rehabilitering och regenerera vävnader och inre organ kan därmed skyddas tills vidare från kemisk attack. Det är medicinteknik som förfinats utan att ge biverkningar när man cementerar konstruktioner inom dentalbranschen. Det handlar om Sanerings Behandling Program som inkluderar inert cement från USA skapades för 11 år sedan via Bio-Rad Laboratories. Detta gäller CAD CAM konstruktioner som ska sitta kvar tills vidare i munhålan. CHT Resin Typ I & II är viktig redskap som eliminerar diagnoser som härstammar från medicinteknik såsom cement från tidigare generationer då kvaliteten på dessa cement som läcker kemikalier bör ifrågasättas nu när man vill rehabilitera patienter med stöd av själva tandemaljen som är substansen inuti CHT med keramiska material som enbart läcker kalcium och mineraler utan inblandning av kemiska substanser som skadar samtliga organ. ............................................................................................................................................. Vad ska jag, som forskare göra? Det behövs att registrera denna produkt i led av forskning som måste då ingå i behandlingar man vill erbjuda systematiskt. EUIPO har enbart ansvar för Design Varumärke och Trademark som inte är mina mål, då finns det USA som har USPTO ansvarig för innovationer och medicinteknik enligt deras event nyligen som jag deltog i. Jag hade behov av att knyta min plattform och innovation till ALMI och jurister i PWC som klarar även av att hjälpa med stöd av AI som snabbt kan illustrera och förstå vad en bloggare säger. ALMI är journalister som jag bad knyta sig till PWC för att inte ignorera insatser som är avancerade och behöver extra stöd. Jag väntar på återkoppling som jag har enligt regelverk från European Commission rätt till efter ny lagstiftning som bereder väg till hållbar medicinteknik och evidensbaserade mediciner. Jag har kontakt med European Commission via President Charles Michel sekreterare som gav mig Mail till en expert som kan hjälpa forskning och knyt mig till rätt instans. ............................................................................................................................................... Vad är botemedel för dessa toxiska behandlingar? Det finns flera dentalföretag som ska uppdateras men vill inte lyssna på mig, dessutom Medicinen som säljs i Sverige som vissa är tvungna att ta emot är toxisk innehållande sulfat, men detta företag har även uppdaterats av mig systematiskt för att själv gå över fram till framtidens regler och stödja mig och min innovation. Lithium Citrate är ett botemedel för många diagnoser och enligt samtliga artiklar finns det inget emot denna medicinsk effektivitet. ............................................................................................................................................... Jag tog själv initiativet Jag har kämpat klart, tycker jag som har från 2009-2024 mailat och bloggar vidare. Det framgår av min blogg exakt vad jag har gjort. Vårdanalys gav alla ansvar till patienten så att jag bara får digitala följare från alla håll utan att ge stöd systematiskt och ta över från allt. Det är väl min kompetens som är unik. Det finns bara en bloggare som bryr sig om många detaljer. Nu är det ett tvärvetenskapligt engagemang från GU och SA Sahlgrenska Akademin som blev aktuellt. Massa tvärvetenskapliga jobb och forskare är igång snart som kan ge balans till studier på högre nivå. Det är Artificiell Intelligens era nu. .............................................................................................................................................. Det första företaget som reagerat Teva Sverige och Actavis behöver registrera sina produkter som jag stödjer via myndigheter. De finns i samtliga länder och har anställt alla kemister och biologer i alla år. Jurister som klarar av medicin har inte kunnat hjälpa ärliga behandlingar att bli aktuella hittills men jag klarar av att ha tid med dessa uppgifter eftersom ingen anställde mig för konstiga uppgifter som monotont skulle eliminera min tid. ............................................................................................................................................... Universitet måste vara med Jag har enbart kontakt med GU och SA pressansvarig samt Administrativ chef för institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper och ska invänta återkoppling från deras vänner. ÖT docent har också fått mail och samtal. Jag har ärendenummer hos PWC som har jurister för att kunna hjälpa min innovation som är även hos TechConnect som koncept 2017. [Remediation Therapy Program]. ............................................................................................................................................... Jag behöver någon som stödjer detta I dessa fall behövs ett företag med stöd av jurister att gå vidare. Jag är bara en bloggare och har inte dessa stöd. Därför vänder jag till er för att gå igenom och fortsätta mina forskningar inom detta viktiga ämne som jag undersökt under de senaste 20 år. Jag samlade allt genom att registrera mina ärenden. Det finns många ärendenummer och detaljer hos folk som ska agera i led av välfärd och Forte samt flera fonder som får nytta av en bloggare. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci . 2024 Apr 1:1236:124073. doi: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2024.124073. Epub 2024 Mar 1. Validation of a human saliva model for the determination of leachable monomers and other chemicals from dental materials Lene A Grutle 1, Heidi V Holm 1, Hilde B M Kopperud 1, Silvio Uhlig 2 Affiliations expand PMID: 38452631 DOI: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2024.124073 Free article ............................................... MeSH terms Benzhydryl Compounds* Chromatography, Liquid Composite Resins* / analysis Composite Resins* / chemistry Humans Materials Testing Methacrylates / chemistry Phenols* Polyethylene Glycols / chemistry Polymethacrylic Acids / chemistry Saliva* / chemistry Saliva, Artificial / analysis Tandem Mass Spectrometry Substances triethylene glycol dimethacrylate bisphenol A Composite Resins Saliva, Artificial Methacrylates Polymethacrylic Acids 2,2-bis-(4-(2-methacryloxyethoxy)phenyl)propane Polyethylene Glycols Benzhydryl Compounds Phenols Related information PubChem Compound (MeSH Keyword)

Friday, March 08, 2024

Health technology assessment - joint clinical assessments of medicinal products 05 March 2024 - 02 April 2024 #FORTE

8:th March 2024 @NegarRiahi: #FORTE is disabled for BSc Dental Tehnician! You need to connect to me and help my platforms as a Doctor. ................................................ Thanks for filling out THCS - CALL FOR EXPERTS and EVALUATORS Here's what was received. THCS - CALL FOR EXPERTS and EVALUATORS In the framework of the lauch of its second Joint Transnational Call "Innovate to prevent: Personalised Prevention in Health and Care Services", the THCS Joint Call Secretariat is selecting expert who will evaluate the received proposals and be part fo the Peer Review Panel. Before the evaluations, the experts will be asked to declare any conflict of interest that may exist with the assigned application. For more information about THCS and its JTC, please visit: Email * First Name * Negar Last Name * Riahi Gender * Female Male Prefer not to say Non-Binary Organisation * Gothenburg University #WeDontHaveTime #SD Country * Sweden Website * Keywords (please indicate five keywords) * #Remediation_Therapy_Program, #Medical_Devices_Selection, #EMA, #MPA, #NoneToxic_Circular_Economy Expertise (please indicate Scientific or technical expertise and experience in national/international evaluation committees ) * BSc in Dental Inert Biomaterial Technology, Human Rights and the Right to Health, Environment and Mankind in an International Perspective Including Gothenburg University Experts involved with thisInnovation. #TechConnect_Concept_2017 Topics (please indicate in which of the following topic/s you are expert) * ✓ Prevention (secondary, tertiary, and quaternary prevention) ✓ Public health (health and care models, care pathways, people-centred care, delivery of care) ✓ Big Data and ICT (Artificial Intelligence, Data use & sharing, Internet of Things) ✓ Technology (medical devices, diagnostic tools, robotics, wearables) ✓ Digital health (telemedicine, mobile health, electronic health records) ✓ Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects (ELSA) ✓ Implementation research ✓ Health economics

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Negar Time @NegarRiahi: EU rules on medical devices and in vitro diagnostics - targeted evaluation | European Commission .............................................. Feb 25, 2024, 10:40 AM European Commission Have your say Dear Sir or Madam, One initiative has been published or updated on the European Commission's 'Have your say' portal: For your information: events that do not open a feedback opportunity.

Tuesday, February 06, 2024

EUIPO Webinars & NegarTime #Innovation aimed for Sustainable Remediation Rules