Saturday, March 12, 2022

Kortedala Library presents: #NAFAS 8:th Exhibition OCEAN, April 2022

"> Negar Riahi Activities by #NAFAS is based on Humanity to support Two important areas: I. Culture II. Sustainable Lifestyle Via #NAFAS the World online is supported to create #Sustainability & #GlobalHealth. You can find @NegarRiahi responsible for shared information. We need stability and Peace at cellular level to create Art and live in a World there OCEAN should be protected. Life is a matter of Sustsinibilty in all areas there people have a position. In this event #NAFAS presents a platform there activities are aimed to #GlobalHealth and #Art. To be able to manage every details is also Art of Science. This exhibition is created with Love and Respect to many details and aspects of life to be able to save the Ocean.

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